“Brilliant Legacy” aka “Shining Inheritance” is a 2009 South Korean television series starring Han Hyo-joo, Lee Seung-gi, Bae Soo-bin, and Moon Chae-won. It aired on SBS from April 25 to July 26, 2009. It was among the top-rated Korean dramas of the year; it maintained its number one spot in the viewership ratings chart for 20 consecutive weeks and reached a peak rating of 47.1% for its last episode. (Wikipedia)
How I wrote these episode summaries with no spoilers
1. I assumed that you will be reading these summaries and watching the videos chronologically.
2. I narrated some of the main actions in each episode, without revealing the plot’s twists and turns.
3. At the beginning of each summary starting with Episode 2, I placed in a table a recap of the major twists and turns of the previous episode. But because you have already watched the video of the previous episode, they aren’t spoilers anymore.
4. With Episode 28 (Finale), however, I included spoilers. Reason — people who have not seen this drama want to know whether it has a good/happy ending or a sad ending before they invest their time in watching it.
Episode 1
Go Eun-sung is a college student in the USA; her family consists of her father (a businessman), her autistic brother Eun-woo, her stepmother Baek Seong-hee, and her stepsister Seung-mi.
Eun Sung comes home to Korea to celebrate her father’s birthday. She’s met at the airport by her suitor, who has borrowed a car from his brother Jun-se. Unknown to her, her bag and the bag of another passenger on the plane, Sun Woo-hwan, have been interchanged; she also doesn’t know that Woo-hwan’s girlfriend is her stepsister Seung-mi, who’s also at the airport.
Woo-hwan is a spoiled, carefree guy whose grandmother, Jang Sook-ja, is the owner of Jin Sung Foods, a large and employee-friendly company that specializes in "seolleongtang" (milky beef bone soup). To the dismay of his grandmother, mother, and sister, he refuses to have anything to do with taking over the company.
Eun-sung enjoys a happy reunion with her family. But unknown to her, her father’s business is on the brink of bankruptcy. After dinner, she finds out that she got the wrong bag. She tries calling up Woo-han through the telephone number on the bag’s name tag.
In desperation, Eun-sung’s father begs an old friend to help him rescue his company. But his friend can’t do anything for him.
Episode 2
Ep. 1 recap:
The man who stole the money, ring, and watch of Eun-sung’s father dies in a gas tank explosion. The police thus contact Seong-hee and tell her that her husband died in the explosion. |
Jang Sook-ja pressures Woo-hwan to work as an ordinary employee in Jin Sung Foods Company. Meanwhile, Director Park also pressures his son Jun-se to leave his restaurant and work instead for the company.
As she and Eun-woo move from place to place, Eun-sung loses all hope of living on. She takes Eun-woo to a high place overlooking the city and decides to jump off.
Episode 3
Ep. 2 recap:
Eun-sung’s father decides to pretend that it was him who actually died in the explosion so that his family can claim his life insurance. But Seong-hee doesn’t share the insurance money with Eun-sung and her brother. Seong-hee continues to manipulate Seung-mi into marrying Woo-hwan. On the other hand, Woo-hwan creates a lot of troubles at the company branch where he has been assigned. Through a friend, Eun-sung begins working as a waitress in a night club. There, she meets Woo-hwan and Jun-se. Seong-hee picks up Eun-woo at the music studio. Failing to contact Eun-sung, she takes Eun-woo and drives off somewhere. |
Jang Sook-ja rejects the expansion plans for her company. Things also become worse between her and Woo-hwan.
While searching for Eun-woo, Eun-sung collapses on the street. Jun-se sees her and brings her back to her friend’s house.
Eun-sung’s father, who has been living on the streets, becomes alarmed when he can’t contact his family.
Eun-sung decides to rent a one-room apartment; to raise some money for her expenses in looking for Eun-woo, she plans sell some snacks on the street during the early morning hours.
Episode 4
Ep. 3 recap:
Seong-hee abandons Eun-woo near a shelter in her childhood hometown of Daegu, some 300 kilometers away from Seoul. Jun-se hides his background as a restaurant owner and as the son of a director of Jin Sung Foods Company. Through Eun-sung’s friend, he provides the money that allows Eun-sung to start living on her own; he also helps her move into her one-room apartment and to print out the flyers with Eun-woo’s picture. Woo-hwan insults the branch manager by throwing money at his face. Later, after she overhears Woo-hwan saying that he will sell off Jin Sung Foods Company once he inherits it, Jang Sook-ja decides to secretly leave her house and visit the place where she started her company decades ago. On the street, Jang Sook-ja becomes disoriented and falls down a flight of stairs. Eun-sung finds her and brings her to the hospital. |
Jun-se tries to make up for offending Eun-sung by encouraging her to apply for a job with Jin Sung Foods Company. On the other hand, Seong-hee meets Woo-hwan’s mother and Director Park as she continues to work on her application for a franchise license.
Seung-mi decides to drop out of college and get a job; once she gets hired, she plans to tell Woo-hwan about what happened to her stepfather.
Episode 5
Ep. 4 recap:
After regaining her memories, Jang Sook-ja begins testing Eun-sung’s character. She also fakes a medical emergency to prevent Eun-sung from going to her job interview in Jin Sung Foods Company. Later, she returns home and then sends her butler to fetch Eun-sung. |
Seong-hee and Seung-mi argue over the faked biography that Seong-hee plans to submit for her franchise application. Despite Seong-hee’s warning, Seung-mi decides to celebrate the 49-day rite for her late stepfather.
While working on her franchise application, Seong-hee sees Jang Sook-ja and Eun-sung together. On the other hand, in Jun-se’s restaurant, Seung-mi finds out that Eun-woo is missing.
Episode 6
Ep. 5 recap:
Despite the hostile reaction by Woo-hwan and his family, Eun-sung decides to move into Jang Sook-ja’s house. At the columbarium, Eun-sung meets Seong-hee and Seung-mi. To her surprise, Seong-hee says that she has been looking for her. Eun-sung and Seung-mi meet at the orientation for new employees of Jin Sung Foods Company. Later, Seong-hee pleads with Eun-sung not to tell Jang Sook-ja and her family about their relationship. Seong-hee finds out that her husband, Eun-sung’s father, is still alive. |
Tension continues to increase between Eun-sung and Jang Sook-ja’s family as Jang Sook-ja orders Woo-hwan and his sister to submit their business plans.
After promising Woo-hwan that she will soon get his bag back, Eun-sung meets Seung-mi to ask for her new home address so that she can get the bag back. But Seung-mi panics and says that she will just give the bag to her.
On a date after going shopping, Woo-hwan tells Seung-mi why he hates his grandmother’s company. Meanwhile, on their own friendly date, Eun-sung tells Jun-se about her father and her plans for the future once Eun-woo is found.
Woo-hwan’s mother asks Jang Sook-ja’s butler to run an urgent personal errand for her; when he refuses, she orders Eun-sung to run the errand. But at the breakfast table, Jang Sook-ja finds out about it and explodes in anger.
Episode 7
Ep. 6 recap:
Woo-hwan tells Seung-mi that he hates his grandmother’s company because it reminds him of his father’s death. Seung-mi lies to Eun-sung about how she and her mother got their new fancy apartment. Seong-hee offers Eun-sung’s father some money and asks him to stay away. But he refuses; later, at Jun-se’s food bank, he collapses. After experiencing a dizzy spell at the branch where Eun-sung is assigned, Jang Sook-ja goes to the hospital. Later on, she stuns Woo-hwan, his mother, and his sister by saying that she will give everything she owns to Eun-sung. |
Seong-hee finds out about Jang Sook-ja’s plan for Eun-sung to inherit everything she owns, but she reassures Seung-mi and tells her to stay close to Woo-hwan. Later, she meets Director Park about a new business opportunity.
Jun-se thinks about offering a job to the man (Eun-sung’s father) who has been frequenting his food bank. He also arranges a date with Eun-sung at his restaurant. But as he’s talking with Woo-hwan’s sister, Eun-sung arrives.
Episode 8
Ep. 7 recap:
Eun-sung feels betrayed after finally finding out that Jun-se comes from a rich family and owns the fancy restaurant. Woo-hwan is thrown into jail after failing to pay his hotel bills and hitting a police officer. Later, after Jun-se bails him out, he returns home. While arguing with Woo-hwan, Eun-sung finds out that Jang Sook-ja plans to leave everything to her. |
Jun-se gets a construction job for Eun-sung’s father. Later, he tries to explain his actions, but Eun-sung walks away from him.
Jang Sook-ja tells Eun-sung to help her reform Woo-hwan, his mother, and his sister by pretending that she will really inherit everything. Meanwhile, Seung-mi sees her mother coming home with Director Park.
Seong-hee becomes worried when she finds out that Eun-sung and Woo-hwan are working in the same outlet.
Episode 9
Ep. 8 recap:
Eun-sung blames Woo-hwan for keeping her from seeing her father before he died. Later, Woo-hwan finds out the connection between Eun-sung and Seung Mi. While searching for a copy of Eun-woo’s latest picture, Seung Mi finds out that her mother titled their apartment under her name. While trying to entice Eun-sung to leave Jang Sook-ja’s house, Seong-hee finds out that Jang Sook-ja has sent out people to look for Eun-woo. |
After arguing with her mother, Seung-mi runs out of their apartment and calls Woo-hwan. The next day, she contacts a real estate agent.
When Woo-hwan continues to create problems in the main outlet, the manager warns Eun-sung that he will report her to the company’s upper management for failing to do her duties.
Seong-hee becomes worried that Jang Sook-ja’s men might find Eun-woo; she decides to drive to the shelter outside Seoul and bring Eun-woo back.
The day before her mother’s death anniversary, Eun-sung sprains her ankle while working; Jun-se thus volunteers to help her go shopping for the things she needs for the memorial and to drive her to the cemetery.
Episode 10
Ep. 9 recap:
Seung-mi contacts a real estate agent to sell their apartment. Seong-hee fails to find Eun-woo at the shelter; the couple taking care of Eun-woo have found out about his musical talent. Director Park pressures Jun-se to give Woo-hwan’s sister a job at his restaurant and to later marry her. Eun-sung and her father miss each other at the cemetery. |
With the help of Director Park, Seong-hee takes over a furniture shop.
When Jang Sook-ja finds out that Eun-sung is going out on a small party with her friends, she decides to give her a makeover.
Episode 11
Ep. 10 recap:
Seung-mi sets up an appointment with Eun-sung to confess everything to her. Later, as she opens their apartment’s door, she’s shocked to see her stepfather. |
As Woo-hwan continues to create problems at the main outlet, the Human Resources Department transfers Eun-sung to the company’s factory.
One of Jang Sook-ja’s men finally finds Eun-woo.
Episode 12
Ep. 11 recap:
The manager at the main outlet becomes fed up with Woo-hwan and transfers him to the factory. Seung-mi sends a fake email under Eun-sung’s name to Eun-sung’s father. Eun-sung and Jun-se arrive at the house of the couple who have been sheltering Eun-woo, but Eun-woo has again gone missing. |
Eun-woo ends up back in Seoul.
Woo-hwan becomes curious about the relationship between Eun-sung and Jun-se; he tries to make things better between him and Eun-sung, but to his surprise, Eun-sung blames him for what happened to Eun-woo.
Pressured by Woo-hwan’s mother and sister, Eun-sung decides to leave Jang Sook-ja’s house.
Episode 13
Ep. 12 recap:
Eun-woo ends up playing the piano in the bar owned by Woo-hwan’s friend. Eun-sung finds out that Seung-mi lied to her about the apartment’s ownership. Jang Sook-ja consults a new lawyer and draws up her new will that names Eun-sung as her solitary heir. |
Woo-hwan, his mother, and his sister are shocked by Jang Sook-ja’s decision to cut them out of her will. Meanwhile, Director Park becomes angry with Jang Sook-ja, believing that with all his sacrifices and hard work for the last 20 years, he should have control of the company.
Frustrated by what’s happening, Woo-hwan goes to drink at his friend’s bar, where Eun-woo is playing the piano. Concerned about him, Seung-mi also goes to the bar.
Episode 14
Ep. 13 recap:
Director Park pressures Jun-se to leave his restaurant and work for Jin Sung Foods Company, hoping to sway Jang Sook-ja’s mind about leaving everything to Eun-sung. Seung-mi fails to see Eun-woo in the bar. Woo-hwan’s mother and sister move into Seong-hee’s apartment. Woo-hwan pleads with Jang Sook-ja to send him to the company’s branch with Eun-sung. |
Seong-hee hides the pictures of herself, Eun-sung’s father, Eun-woo, Seung-mi, and Eun-sung so that Woo-hwan’s mother and sister can’t see them while they’re staying in her apartment. Meanwhile, Jang Sook-ja assures Eun-sung about Woo-hwan working in the second branch.
Despite his father’s pleas, Jun-se refuses to leave his restaurant and work for Jin Sung Foods Company.
Woo-hwan promises his mother and sister that he will work hard on the 2nd branch and eventually change his grandmother’s mind about her will. On the other hand, Eun-sung tells Seong-hee that she will not give up her inheritance from Jang Sook-ja.
Eun-sung’s father continues emailing Eun-sung, not knowing that it’s actually Seung-mi who’s reading the emails.
Episode 15
Ep. 14 recap:
Director Park assures Woo-hwan’s mother and sister that under the law, they will entitled to a part of Jang Sook-ja’s estate. Through Seung-mi’s family picture, Woo-hwan finally finds out that Eun-sung and Seung-mi are related to each other. |
In the 2nd branch, Eun-sung and the staff prepare for their plans in celebrating the branch’s 30th anniversary. The manager assigns Eun-sung and Woo-hwan to work together in advertising the anniversary in the surrounding housing complexes and civic centers, but Woo-hwan wants to work by himself.
Confused about who’s telling the truth — Seung-mi or Eun-sung — Woo-hwan goes to his friend’s bar; there, he meets Eun-woo again.
Fighting back against Eun-sung, Seong-hee manipulates Woo-hwan’s mother into arranging the marriage between Jun-se and her daughter Jung. Later, Woo-hwan’s mother and Director Park agree on the marriage between Jung and Jun-se.
Episode 16
Ep. 15 recap:
Jun-se rejects the proposed marriage, telling Woo-hwan’s mother that he’s in love with someone else. Jung sees Jun-se and Eun-sung going to his apartment. |
To Eun-sung’s surprise, Jun-se tells her that he wants to be her man, not simply her “oppa.” Back in the house, Jung cries her heart out over what she saw between Jun-se and Eun-seung. Her mother complains to Jang Sook-ja that Eun-sung has now hurt both Jung and Woo-hwan.
Director Park blames Eun-sung for Jun-se’s refusal to work for Jin Sung Foods Company. Meanwhile, Jang Sook-ja becomes indifferent towards Eun-sung.
With the mess in Jang Sook-ja’s house, Eun-sung’s friend urges her to leave the house. The tension between Eun-sung and Woo-hwan also continues even as they prepare for the 2nd branch’s 30th anniversary.
Episode 17
Ep. 16 recap:
Jun-se tells Jung and her mother that it’s him who’s running after Eun-sung and that Eun-sung is not interested in a relationship. On the other hand, Eun-sung’s friend asks her if she’s starting to fall for Woo-hwan. Woo-hwan becomes confused about what he really feels for Eun-sung. As he fusses over Eun-sung while she sleeps on the rooftop, Jun-se sees him. At the karaoke bar, Seung-mi overhears Jun-se and Woo-hwan fighting over Eun-sung. |
Seung-mi overhears Jun-se ask Woo-hwan if he likes Eun-sung, and she’s stunned by Woo-hwan’s answer. Later, on their way home, Woo- hwan asks her to get all the financial details of Jin Sung Foods Company.
Unable to contact Eun-sung by email, Eun-sung’s father meets Seong-hee. But Seong-hee tells him to go far away from Seoul and start a new life. Later, he meets Jun-se to say goodbye and to thank him for his kindness.
Seung-mi goes to the 2nd branch to give the details to Woo-hwan, but she overhears the branch staff teasing Eun-sung and Woo-hwan because they spent the day together in distributing fliers.
In his friend’s bar, Woo-hwan meets Eun-woo again.
Episode 18
Ep. 17 recap:
Woo-hwan begins studying books on business and how to become a successful entrepreneur. With tears in her eyes, Seung-mi tells Eun-sung that Woo-hwan means the world to her. Eun-sung’s father sees her on a bus that’s passing by and runs after her. |
Director Park tells Jun-se that Eun-sung will definitely fail to raise the 2nd branch’s sales by 20%. Meanwhile, Seung-mi confesses to Seong-hee that Woo-hwan is in love with Eun-sung.
Eun-sung and Woo-hwan continue to promote the branch’s delivery services. But Woo-hwan gets into trouble with a rowdy customer, and Eun-sung refuses to accept Jun-se’s offer of help.
After the memorial service, Jang Sook-ja asks Woo-hwan if he remembers anything about his father’s death when he was just seven years old.
After one of their promotional visits, Eun-sung and Woo-hwan get into a shouting match when Woo-hwan wants to unilaterally cancel a newly-signed contract.
Episode 19
Ep. 18 recap:
As he sees Eun-sung about to be hit by an oncoming truck, Woo-han remembers how he caused his father’s death. As a favor to his friend, the bar owner, Woo-hwan takes care of Eun-woo and takes him to the mall. Seung-mi finds out that her mother has hired someone to look for Eun-woo. At the 2nd branch, Eun-sung is recognized by Go Pyung-joong’s friend. To her surprise, she finds out about the life insurance policy that her father got for her and Eun-woo. Later, at the insurance company, she finds out that Seong-hee has transferred all the insurance money into her own account. |
The next day, Eun-sung confronts Seong-hee. But Seong-hee claims that she used the power of attorney that she asked Eun-sung to sign to get the insurance money and to pay off her father’s creditors.
After overhearing the telephone conversation between Eun-sung and her friend Hye-ri, Jun-se rushes to the 2nd branch; there, he confronts Woo-hwan.
Despite feeling uncomfortable with each other, Eun-sung and Woo-hwan work at the church that they want to get as a customer.
Along with Seung-mi, Seong-hee goes to Jang Sook-ja’s house to reveal everything about their relationship to Eun-sung.
Episode 20
Ep. 19 recap:
Jun-se finds out about the relationship between Eun-sung and Seung-mi. Supported by Seung-mi, Seong-hee lies and says that Eun-sung targeted Jang Sook-ja because of her weath. Stunned by the outrageous lie, Eun-sung cannot defend herself; after Woo-hwan’s mother slaps her for deceiving everyone, she leaves the house in tears. |
The next day, while preparing to go to Jin Sung Foods Company to file her resignation, Eun-sung finds out that her mother’s necklace is missing; later, at the company, she meets Seung-mi, who warns her to stay away from Woo-hwan.
Jun-se urges Eun-sung to file a case against Seong-hee. Meanwhile, after meeting Seung-mi, Woo-hwan meets Eun-woo again at the club.
After their argument earlier, Seung-mi asks Woo-hwan to meet her. She waits at their designated place, but elsewhere, Woo-hwan gets drunk.
Episode 21
Ep. 20 recap:
Jang Sook-ja refuses to accept Eun-sung’s resignation letter. After working together in the church which they’re trying to get as a regular client for the 2nd branch, Eun-sung helps Woo-hwan buy some gifts for Jang Sook-ja and his mother. He-ryi warns Eun-sung against falling in love with Woo-hwan and reminds her that she’s lucky to have someone like Jun-se who cares for her. After Eun-sung returns the necklace that he bought for her, Woo-hwan gets drunk. Later, he stumbles into Eun-sung’s apartment. |
While talking on the phone with Seung-mi, Woo-hwan’s friend mentions Seung-mi’s name; when Eun-woo hears the name and reacts, Seung-mi wonders who that person is.
After coming home, Woo-hwan asks Jang Sook-ja why she trusts Eun-sung.
The company sends Eun-sung and Woo-hwan to the East Sea to bid for a cruise ship’s food services. Due to a last minute change in the bidding documents, Jang Sook-ja sends Seung-mi to deliver the documents to Eun-sung and Woo-hwan.
At the East Sea venue, Eun-sung, Woo-hwan, and Seung-mi meet Jun-se, who’s following up an opportunity to run a restaurant on a cruise ship.
Episode 22
Ep. 21 recap:
Jun-se offers Eun-sung a job of running the cruise ship restaurant after her contract with Jin Sung Foods Company ends. Woo-hwan follows Eun-sung to the lighhouse; on the hanging bridge, he tells Eun-sung that he loves her and then kisses her. |
On their way back to Seoul, Jun-se tries to convince Eun-sung about joining him in the cruise restaurant. Later on, he confronts Woo-hwan and punches him.
Go Pyung-joong meets Seong-hee and tells her that he wants to turn himself in to the authorities.
Despite the odds against Eun-sung because of Seong-hee’s documents, the lawyer recommended by Jun-se says that he will take the case. Meanwhile, Seong-hee meets with Director Park and tells him that, in order to protect his interests, he must wrest control of the company from Jang Sook-ja.
Jin Sung Foods Company wins the cruise ship bid. As they rejoice over winning the bid and hitting their target of increasing the 2nd branch’s sales by 20%, Woo-hwan invites Eun-sung and the other branch staff to celebrate at his friend’s club.
Episode 23
Ep. 22 recap:
Director Park argues with Jang Sook-ja and urges her to revoke her will; he warns Jang Sook-ja that the company’s managers are restive. On the other hand, Seong-hee spreads the rumor that Jin Sung Foods Company is in trouble because of mismanagement. Woo-hwan convinces Eun-woo to leave his room and meet Eun-sung. But then, he receives an urgent phone call from his mother, who says that Jang Sook-ja has collapsed and is being rushed to the hospital. |
Director Park advises Woo-hwan’s family that they can contest the will’s validity because of Jang Sook-ja’s medical condition when she made her will. The value of Jin Sung Foods Company stocks also drop steeply when news about Jang Sook-ja’s hospitalization hits the media.
Based on her mother’s orders, Seung-mi brings food to the hospital for Woo-hwan’s family and stays by Woo-hwan’s side. Meanwhile, Eun-sung tries to get some time alone with Jang Sook-ja, but Woo-hwan’s mother and sister berate her. Seung-mi also orders her to stay away from the hospital.
On a bench outside the hospital, as Eun-sung comforts and embraces Woo-hwan tenderly, Jun-se sees them from afar.
Episode 24
Ep. 23 recap:
Director Park and Seong-hee continue with their plans of wresting control of Jin Sung Foods Company; Director Park also misleads Jun-se into liquidating his assets from other companies and buying shares of Jin Sung Foods Company. Woo-hwan brings Eun-sung inside Jang Sook-ja’s hospital room. Eun-sung explains to an unconscious Jang Sook-ja how Seung-mi and her mother lied about her. Later, Woo-hwan confesses to Jang Sook-ja how he caused his father’s death. Jang Sook-ja wakes up from her coma. |
At the hospital’s coffee shop, Woo-hwan tells Seung-mi that he can’t reciprocate her feelings for him and that he believes Eun-sung was telling the truth about not knowing him before they met. Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Eun-sung tells Jun-se that she can’t accept the job offer at the cruise restaurant while Eun-woo is still missing. Unable to contain his emotions, Jun-se asks her why she had to fall in love with Woo-hwan.
Seong-hee finds out about the lawsuit that Eun-sung is planning against her, but she tells Seung-mi that she’s ready for anything.
Director Park tells Jang Sook-ja about the company’s cash flow problems and the stockholders’plan to vote her out. Woo-hwan meets Seung-mi at the company, and he asks her to secretly get the company’s financial accounts to find out what’s causing the cash flow problems. Later, he meets Eun-sung and the 2nd branch staff to plan their moves to save the company.
Seung-mi studies the financial accounts that Woo-hwan wanted. But later, she tells Woo-hwan that she can’t find the accounts; instead, she meets Jun-se and warns him of the dire consequences if he doesn’t cooperate with his father’s plans.
Episode 25
Ep. 24 recap:
Woo-hwan rallies the company’s employees to help keep Jang Sook-ja as the company’s president. Seung-mi warns and pressures Jun-se that his father has been falsifying the company’s accounts and that he will go to jail if his actions are revealed. |
During a meeting at her house, Jang Sook-ja tells Woo-hwan, his mother, and his sister that since Eun-sung fulfilled her condition, she will not revoke her will. But Eun-sung reaffirms before everyone that she will not accept the inheritance.
After Jun-se rebukes her, Seung-mi decides to confess everything to Woo-hwan and his family.
Go Pyung-joong sees a torn flyer of Eun-woo as a missing child.
Episode 26
Ep. 25 recap:
Jun-se begs on his knees for Jang Sook-ja to forgive his father and not to file charges against him. Eun-sung tells Jang Sook-ja that she’s resigning from Jin Sung Foods Company. On her way to confess to Woo-hwan, Seung-mi sees Eun-woo. |
Eun-sung later agrees reluctantly with Seong-hee’s plan to bring Eun-woo to her in Tokyo. The day before her departure, she visits Jang Sook-ja and Woo-hwan. Later, she goes to Jun-se’s restaurant and removes all of Eun-woo’s missing child posters.
Episode 27
Ep. 26 recap:
Seong-hee orders the man who has been working for her to snatch Eun-woo. But Eun-woo escapes from the car. Jun-se finds out that Go Pyung-joong is Eun-sung’s father. Together, they rush to the airport where Woo-hwan has prevented Eun-sung from boarding her flight to Tokyo. |
After trying to contact Seung-mi, Woo-hwan finds out from his friend, the club owner, that the young piano player is missing; he begins to think that the young piano player and Eun-woo are one and the same person.
Jang Sook-ja pressures Seong-hee to come to her house. Later, Seong-hee rushes back to her apartment; she packs Seung-mi’s things and tells her to immediately leave for New York
Episode 28, Finale (with spoilers)
Ep. 27 recap:
Through Woo-hwan, Eun-woo reunites with Eun-sung and their father. Jun-se’s father helps Go Pyung-joong turn himself in to the police. The police say that it won’t press charges against Go Pyung-joong if he returns the insurance money. |
With the insurance money returned by Seong-hee, Go Pyung-joong regains his status. He begins working again in the construction business, starting with building apartments for employees of Jin Sung Foods Company.
Jun-se says goodbye to Eun-sung as he and Hye-ri leave to start the cruise restaurant.
Jang Sook-ja distributes all her shares of stocks in Jin Sung Foods Company among all her employees.
Seung-mi begins teaching children and prepares to go to graduate school.
Eun-sung decides to go to New York to continue her culinary arts studies, with Eun-woo going with her to study music. But with Jang Sook-ja’s approval, Woo-hwan plans to expand Jin Sung Foods Company’s global expansion, starting in New York.
Lessons in cinematography and photography from “Shining Inheritance” aka “Brilliant Legacy”
Back to Basics: Crane Shots Using a Jib | Cinematography
10 Gimbal Moves to make anyone look epic! Filmmaking Tips for Beginners (No. 9, 5:11 mark, the orbit shot or arc shot) Ultimate Guide to Camera Movement — Every Camera Movement Technique Explained [The Shot List Ep 6]; 20:45 mark up to 22:47, arc shot; 23:03 mark, boom shot (crane, jib or pedestal) |
From Wikipedia: An “arc shot” is a dolly shot where the camera moves in an arc along a circular or elliptical radius in relation to the subject (“arc left” or “arc right”). The article “Arc Shots and 360-degree Tracking Shots” enumerates the various uses of arc shots:
Arc shots can also be used to mark transitions, create suspense, add intensity or emotionality to a scene and much more.
The use of the arc shot can also be symbolism for shift or a transition, either in the story or within the characters themselves.
The arc shot causes the camera to shift in the physical space and can signal a turning point.
The arc shot can also be used to add suspense to a thrilling scene.
(1) The GIF below shows what I consider the best shot in all of this drama. The camera focuses first on the phone which Eun-sung refuses to answer and then moves up towards her face; as it arcs to the right, the shot becomes a cross dissolve of Eun-sung’s face and a medium shot of her sitting on the bench. As the camera continues to arc to the right, the medium shot then cross dissolves into Eun-sung’s close up.

2. The GIF below shows what I consider as the 2nd best shot of this drama. Jang Sook-ja challeges Eun-sung to show all the doubters that she has what it takes to run the company if she inherits it.
Instead of just using several images of Eun-sung as she goes to the 2nd branch, the cinematographer uses a crane shot that first looks down on Eun-sung; as she continues to move forward, the camera moves downward and shows her standing before the facade of the 2nd branch.

3. Arc shots can be used to introduce a new character — and thus a new dynamic — into a scene.
(a) In this scene, Seung-mi, played by Moon Chae-won, works on a job application form. In the background, you’ll see a motorcycle moving from left to right. As Seung-mi turns around to see who’s coming, the camera then arcs to the left to show Woo-hwan on his motorcycle.

(b) This shot first shows Eun-sung crying over failing to get to her job interview. The camera then arcs right to show her in relation to Jang Sook-ja who’s lying on the floor, seemingly oblivious to her fragile emotional state. I included the images after the arc shot to show the context.

(c) This shot first shows Seong-hee sitting on the bench, waiting for Eun-sung. The camera arcs to the right to show Eun-sung approaching. As Eun-sung sits down, the camera then slowly arcs to the left to show both of them on the bench.

(d) At a bench outside of the hospital, Eun-sung tenderly embraces Woo-hwan; as the camera arcs to the left, the shot then shows a heartbroken Jun-se in the background. I included the images before and after the arc shot to show the scene’s context.

4. The GIF below shows an arc shot with the camera positioned at a dramatic low angle to reinforce Jang Sook-ja’s confusion at what she thought were her familiar surroundings. I included the images befofe the arc shot (Jang Sook-ja’s shuffling feet) to show the scene’s context.

5. The GIFs below show an arc shot after a crane shot was used to establish the scene’s geography and to create a symbolism.
(a) Eun-sung underwent the previous night swinging from joyful exhilaration at being told that Eun-woo was found to being crushed by the news that he went missing again. The camera cranes down from the shady tree to Jun-se and Eun-sung on the bench and then arcs to the left to show Jun-se comforting Eun-sung. IMO, the director wanted to symbolize Jun-se as a shady tree that will always be a source of strength and comfort for Eun-sung.

(b) The camera zooms in, cranes up, and then arcs to the right to show Eun-sung sitting on the high wall that overlooks part of Seoul. In this scene, she has been offered a new chance in life through Jang Sook-ja’s generous offer. Several episodes earlier, however, on this very same spot, she had contemplated ending her life and that of Eun-woo as they faced homelessness and despair.

6. Unlike other arc shots in this drama in which the camera moves smoothly, this arc shot of Seung-mi is purposely wobbly or uneven to show her emotional agitation. (In this scene, she witnesses Jun-se and Woo-hwan fighting over Eun-sung.)

B. Lesssons in photography
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Cross dissolve |
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Sidelighting (hard), low key lighting |
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Sidelighting (soft) |
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Reflection |
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Reflection |
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Reflection, low angle shot |
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Reflection |
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Low angle shot, reflection |
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Low angle shot |
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Low angle shot |
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Background blur, sidelighting |
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Background blur, compressed perspective |
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Foreground blur, linear perspective |
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Foreground blur |
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Steelyard Principle, low angle shot |
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Linear perspective |
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Establishing shot |
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Out of focus foreground element as natural frame, low key lighting |
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Out of focus foreground element as partial frame, high key lighting |
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Diagonal lines |
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Keystoning, Dutch angle |
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Symmetry and balance, out of focus foreground elements as natural frames |
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Symmetry and balance |
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Lines of direction |
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High angle shot, cast shadow |
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Rack focus |
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Conveying depth through overlapping forms, diagonal lines |
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Dutch angle |
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High angle shot |
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Low angle shot |
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Low angle shot, juxtaposition |
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Low angle shot, juxtaposition |
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High angle shot, linear perspective |
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Symmetry and balance |
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Local (natural) frame |
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Out of focus highlights |