Update as of September 18, 2023:
If you’re a high school or grade school student in the Philippines who’s joining the photojournalism contest in the division, regional, or national press conference, I’m offering two free resources to you : A. 900-plus interactive exercises on English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, verbal analogy, etc (with around 200 megabytes total file size). The exercises have time limit and automatic scoring, with an average of 10 items per exercise. Examples of these interactive exercises are: Common English grammar errors: Exercise 01 (nouns - confusions of number); Phrasal Verbs: Expressions with Go; English Placement Test (45 items). B. 200-plus resources (JPG, PDF, MP4, etc.) on photography and photojournalism, with 600-plus megabytes total file size. For some examples of these resources, surf to the “Free photography e-books, cheat sheets” page. To avail of these free resources, email me with the following information: your name and school; the name and email address of your journalism teacher or schoolpaper adviser; the division, regional, or national press conference that you’re joining. (I’ll be able to reply to you within two to three days; if you don’t see my reply in your Inbox, check your Spam folder. Or, you can text me.) Atty. Gerry T. Galacio gtgalacio@yahoo.com 0927-798-3138 |

Free teaching game “Islands Initiative” from Leader Treks (This interactive game will teach your students about the importance of focus and will build teamwork; Two-page PDF document includes directions, a script, and diagrams for setting up, along with the goals for this activity)

Free e-book “Christianity: Hoax or History” from Josh McDowell Ministry (100 pages, 3.43 MB; equip your church members to share their faith boldly; in this book, McDowell shares compelling evidence for the resurrection of Christ, the authenticity of Scripture, and what it all means for us today.)
Free e-book “Skeptics Who Demanded a Verdict” from Josh McDowell (116 pages, 4 MB; read how three skeptics - Chuck Colson, C.S. Lewis, and Josh McDowell - came to faith in Jesus Christ. Encourage your congregation to use this resource for reaching out to friends who might be skeptical of faith)

Free drama scripts and resources for church groups

Download Director’s Edition (15 mb PDF file; 34 chapters; 262 pages); Download Actor’s Edition (9.20 mb PDF file; 18 chapters; 132 pages). Other free resources from Davis S. Lampel are Newest Script, Monologues, Sketches, One-acts, Multi-acts, Musical Resources, The Twelve, and Worship Resources.
Dramatix is a collection of drama scripts written by Christians around the world. The collection currently totals more than 1200 scripts. The majority are available free of charge (see conditions of use at the foot of each script). Categories include: Bible Stories; Easter; Christmas; Children’s; Christian Belief; Christian Walk; Evangelism & Pre-evangelism; Issues; Festivals; Historic & Fantasy; Humour; Mime; Mission; Musicals & Longer scripts; Archived Scripts
Christian Scripts Free by Bob Snook (over 1000 scripts for stage, radio and seasonal; download zipped e-book all scripts for the stage, 3000 typewritten pages; download zipped e-book all scripts for radio, 900 typewritten pages)

What is good Christian drama? by Dramatix co-ordinator John McNeil (RTF file)
How can I do drama when we don’t have a drama team or any actors? One answer is to use still photographs and PowerPoint.
SermonCentral.com dramas

[1] Heart Gallery (thousands of scriptural artwork images available for viewing; select from the most recent, past favorites, or search to find exactly what you're looking for)
[2] HeartCards (a free electronic Christian greeting card service for friends and loved ones world wide with topics such as Salvation, Friendship, Love, Thanks, Comfort, Encouragement, Praise, Inspiration; you can customize the e-card as to style, sound and date.)
[3] PowerPoint resources (collection of templates, images, and slide show presentations to help assist you in your particular ministry; Templates - with various themes; Backgrounds - images for presentations; Seminars - presentations done by Heartlight staff

We are truly pleased to provide these resources for you to use in your ministry. Our mission is to provide resources for victorious Christian living in today’s world.
You are free to use and share this copyrighted material for personal, church, and ministry use for both public and private presentations as long as this notice, the materials themselves, and any of the associated images are not changed and it is not distributed, bundled, or reproduced in any form and sold, or requires shipping or handling charges. These materials are intended for free distribution for Christians to be used to the glory of the Lord Jesus.
Unless otherwise indicated, all PowerPoint resources are Copyright HEARTLIGHT®, Inc., 2001. http://www.heartlight.org.

The Great Doctrines of the Bible, by William Evans (God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Man, Salvation, Church, Scriptures, Angels, Satan, Last Things); download zipped e-book
Free graphics and Powerpoint presentations (zipped files) in creationism, from Answers in Genesis

Astronomy and the Bible
Creation Cloning and Life
Dating Fossils and Rocks
Can You Defend What You Believe?
Facts About Apemen
The Fossil Record
Origin of Life
Origin of Man

The Encyclopedia Britannica uses 20,000 words to describe Jesus. This description takes up more space than the encyclopedia devotes to Aristotle, Cicero, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed and Napoleon.Where is God When Things Go Wrong?” by evangelist/apologist John Blanchard is a free PDF booklet to download from David Legge's www.preachtheword.com and by kind permission of evangelicalpress.org (Note: This download is for personal use only and should not be printed or copied. The book can be ordered singly or in bulk from Evangelical Press)
The following statements are from well-known people concerning Jesus:
French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “It would have been a greater miracle to invent such a life as that of Christ than His actual existence is.”
At the end of his life, Napoleon Bonaparte, who engaged half of Europe in war, wrote these words in his diary: “With all my armies and generals, I have not been able to make one single continent subject to me in a quarter of a century. But this Jesus has conquered nations and cultures without the use of arms for centuries.”
Well-known historian H.G. Wells was asked what person had the greatest influence on history. He answered that if one were to judge the greatness of a man according to historical aspects, Jesus would be at the top of the list.

Why should issues of good and evil, or human suffering, cause any problems? If the British philosopher Bertrand Russell was right to dismiss man as ‘a curious accident in a backwater’, why should it matter in the least whether lives are ended slowly or suddenly, peacefully or painfully, one by one or en masse? If the Oxford professor Peter Atkins, another dogmatic atheist, is right to call mankind ‘just a bit of slime on a planet’, why should we be remotely concerned at the systematic slaughter of six million Jews or half a million Rwandans? Are we traumatized when we see slime trodden on or shoveled down a drain? The whole world wept over the destruction and death brought about by the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, but why not have the same anguish over the fate of beetles or bacteria, rats or reptiles? If human beings are simply the result of countless chemical and biological accidents, how can they have any personal value, and why should we turn a hair if dictatorial regimes or natural disasters dispose of them by the million? The same applies to violence or bloodshed on a personal or limited basis. If we are nothing more than biological flukes, with no meaningful origin or destiny, why should the way we treat each other matter more than the way other creatures behave?
How can we jump from atoms to ethics and from molecules to morality? If we are merely genetically programmed machines, how can we condemn anything as being ‘evil’, or commend anything as being ‘good’? Why should we be concerned over issues of justice or fairness, or feel any obligation to treat other ‘machines’ with dignity or respect? When people respond to tragedy by asking, ‘How can there be a just God?’ their question is logically flawed, as without him words like ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ are purely matters of personal opinion.

Free internet filtering, parental controls and Christian accountability software:
[1] TechMission Safe Families We-Blocker internet filtering software from http://www.safefamilies.org/download.php (Free software to block inappropriate material)
[2] X3Watch from http://x3watch.com/ (An accountability software program helping with online integrity. Whenever you browse the Internet and access a site which may contain questionable material, the program will save the site name on your computer in a hidden folder. A person of your choice (an accountability partner) will receive an email containing all possible questionable sites you may have visited within the month. This information is meant to encourage open and honest conversation between friends and help us all be more accountable.)
[3] TUKI from http://tuki.com/ (Web browser designed for children that has parental controls)
[4] Dan’s Guardian from http://dansguardian.org/ (An award winning Open Source web content filter which currently runs on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X, HP-UX, and Solaris. It filters the actual content of pages based on many methods including phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. It does not purely filter based on a banned list of sites like lesser totally commercial filters.)
[5] Accountability Pal from http://sourceforge.net/projects/accpal/ (Monitors your network and keeps track of who is using the Internet and what they are viewing, downloading, uploading, etc. It emails a report of each user's activity to the person/people you specify. Great for parents and businesses.)
[6] Naomi from http://www.naomifilter.org/ (An advanced internet filtering program. Easy to use and totally free, this is intended for families, and kids in particular.)
Other Internet filters:
Care2's Race for Children - click daily (for free) to help provide children in need with food, medical attention and education
K9 Web Protection - a free internet filter
Safe Families - free internet filtering and parental control software
Reveal - a free program for finding if porn files are stored on your computer
File Sharing Sentinel - free parental control tool for blocking file-sharing programs
SurfPass - free version of the SurfPass filter, which also allows time limits, logging, etc.
B Gone - free web filter based on keywords list
NoWorrys - allows access to trusted sites (list) only (see also: PpGuard)
ICRA Plus - free tool, offers control over access to labelled sites
WebWatcher - one of the best commercial parental control tools
X3 Watch - free accountability program (informs about accesses to questionable sites - for PC and MAC)KidRocket - web browser for young kids (limits access to web sites)
Hosts-File.net - easily block scammer, phishing and other malicious websites (Windows only)
LogProtect - prevent your child from transmitting his personal coordinates (can be bypassed, though)
Popup blockers - free software for removing unwanted pop-ups
FraudEliminator - anti-phishing (email frauds) toolbar
SpyBot - free program to remove dialers, spyware, and other malware from your pc
HiJackThis - invaluable tools for removal of hijackers, dialers, and more (download CWShredded and HiJackThis)
Free tools - listing free filters, website is in French
Squid - proxy/blacklisting for administrators
Censornet - a free filter for Linux
Gospel downloads
The Scripture Memory Connection (support and free software for Scripture memorization)
Angel Verses - Kids Verse Cards (free Bible Verse Cards for children to download and print, to help motivate kids to learn scripture)
Craft Ideas For Kids (craft ideas, resources, projects)
Free craft idea for kid (download free printable kid craft template)
Faith Kids Sunday School Bible Bytes (unique Christian children's activities, easy 3D crafts, lesson support info for teachers, on-line interactive programs and room posters freely shared in faith. P3 to grade 8)
Cyberspace Ministry - At Your Service! (download our Bible games like Quest for God's Armor, Bible in Mind, Bible Wordokus; join one of our online Bible classes, The Moment of Truth, If I Were Told the Future, The Last Countdown, or take online test to discover your spiritual gifts!
100% FREE 3-D Christian Computer Wallpaper (free, 3D computer rendered, unique Christian Wallpaper for your computer desktop. These cool wallpapers can't be found anywhere else.
100%FREE Bible Software, MP3 Bible, Study tools, Jesus Movie... (free Bible Software, MP3 Bibles, online movies, biblestudy tools and other link that help you grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ!
3D Christian Wallpaper and Computer Backgrounds (all original, high quality, free 3D rendered Christian desktop wallpaper. All of the computer backgrounds can be downloaded with or without the Bible verses that inspired the picture.
Bible Study Charts.com (free PDF Downloads - Bible Studies, Outlines, Time Line Charts, over 500 Midi Hymns, Scripture Bookmarks & Magnets prayerfully designed to be used as tools to encourage you to study God's Word.

Bible Explorer 4.0 (free download of over 200 free Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, and more)

“The Eaglet” from CCW is a story explaining true faith and repentance, vividly illustrated by Caffy Whitney. This publication is two new formats - as a Power Point file and as a PDF file for Adobe Acrobat. You can use these files to print color transparencies for overhead projectors, to read with your child directly from your computer, or with your video projector for VBS or other events.
[1] Download with text (Powerpoint or PDF)
[2] Download with no text (Powerpoint or PDF)
[3] Thumbnail preview of The Eaglet

[1] Pictorial Survey of the Bible in Powerpoint
[2] Pictorial Survey of the Bible in PDF
[3] Thumbnail preview of the survey (Please be patient, the graphics take a while to download)
Free e-book “Leadership Learnings from Bloggers”, from Exponential Network (over 250 pages of leadership insights from leading bloggers such as Mark Batterson, Seth Godin, Alan Hirsch, and Craig Groeschel; Use insights from this 279-page PDF document to sharpen your leadership team on a wide variety of topics, including compassion, authenticity, and innovation)

The great business of life is to glorify God by enjoying him forever. Discord between duty and delight doesn’t exist: delight is our duty. Piper stuns us again and again with things we saw in the Bible, but never dared to believe. Join him on this dangerous quest for maximum joy in God. But beware, it may cost you your life. Never mind – “the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life” (Psalm 63:3).

God created us to live with a single passion: to joyfully display his supreme excellence in all spheres of life. The wasted life is the life without this passion. God calls us to pray and think and dream and plan and work, not to be made much of, but to make much of him in every part of our lives.)

This free e-book (262 pages, 5.64MB total file size) compiles the notes and handouts from a yearlong Bible School series. It is designed to help believers advance in their own understanding and personal study skills and contains a wealth of information from any areas of Christian study, including apologetics, hermeneutics, the history of the English Bible, Old Testament, the life of Christ, the book of Acts, church history, Greek, the New Testament letters and biblical theology.
The material was originally taught in a fifty-week series of one-hour classes. Each section ends with a list of important facts, review questions, discussion topics and suggested readings. In addition, countless charts, maps and diagrams are found inside to help with visual learning. A companion CD (available only in the US upon e-mail request at gw@generationword.com) also contains the complete text of the book, maps and diagrams - so all may be reproduced by the reader for personal use or use in teaching and presenting.
Free website usability guidelines book, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

You can also download specific sections of the book:
- design process and evaluation (PDF - 1.9MB)
- optimizing the user experience (PDF - 9.1MB)
- accessibility (PDF - 2.4MB)
- hardware and software (PDF - 2.8MB)
- the homepage (PDF - 12.1MB)
- page layout (PDF - 21.9MB)
- navigation (PDF - 13.1MB)
- scrolling and paging (PDF - 4.5MB)
- headings, titles, and labels (PDF - 7.8MB)
- links (PDF - 17.1MB)
- text appearance (PDF - 11.2MB)
- lists (PDF - 6.6MB)
- screen-based controls (widgets) (PDF - 15.1MB)
- graphics, images, and multimedia (PDF - 16.8MB)
- writing Web content (PDF - 11.0MB)
- content organization (PDF - 10.1MB)
- search (PDF - 9.1MB)
- usability testing (PDF - 1MB)